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Sr. No. | MOU Signed with Industry/Organisation | Date of Signing MOU | Purpose of MOU |
1 | Vishwachaitainya Ayurvediya Rasshala Baramati | 27/02/2020 | For Industrial Training & Visit |
2 | US Quality Pharma Industrial Training Academy Sangli | 24/02/2020 | For Expert Lecture, Inducstrial Training, Placement Assistant |
3 | Suvarna Medical and genral store | 02-11-2019 | Student practical training |
4 | Riddhi Siddhi Medical Store, Barshi | 02-11-2019 | Student practical training |
5 | Barshi Chemist and Druggist Association | 02-11-2019 | Student practical training, Conduction of community an social awareness program in association |
6 | GTT foundation, Kalyani Nagar, Pune | 17/11/2022 | GTT shall provide the training to the students of college also provide acess to employability enhancement related activities through blended learning model. GTTF will facilitate placemt of students with their customer companies in suitable positions and also recruit for their own requirements. |
7 | OpEx Accelerator Private Limited, Kolhapur | 27/3/2023 | To promote a common platform for StartUp & Skill Development of the Students at SCOP. To enhance StartUp Ecosystem in SCOP. To organize Employability Enhancement Training Programs for the Students at SCOP. To assist StartUp projects through mentoring and handholding support. To assist Campus Placement for students at SCOP |
8 | Intellectual Property Intellect Services (IPIS) Pune | 04-03-2023 | The purpose of this MOU is to continue to develop and expand a framework of cooperation between the First Party and Second party to develop mutually beneficial programs and projects. Both the parties agree to work together with a view to making complete and better-quality patent information available to their students and faculties. Recognizing the mutual interests in the fields of research, education, training, transfer of technology and dissemination of knowledge on long term noncommercial basis, and to jointly organize short-term continuing education programs, seminars, conferences, or workshops on topics of mutual interest and to invite each other's faculty to participate therein, Recognizing the importance of institutes of higher education’s role in promoting Intellectual collaboration and increased contribution of social economic development |
9 | Intellect Institute of Education & Research (IIER) Pune | 04-03-2023 | The purpose of this MOU is to continue to develop and expand a framework of cooperation between the First Party and Second party to develop mutually beneficial programs and projects. Both the parties agree to work together with a view to making complete and better-quality value-added courses available to their students and faculties. Recognizing the mutual interests in the fields of research, education, training, transfer of technology and dissemination of knowledge on long term noncommercial basis, and to jointly organize short-term continuing education programs, seminars, conferences, or workshops on topics of mutual interest and to invite each other's faculty to participate therein, Recognizing the importance of institutes of higher education’s role in promoting Intellectual collaboration and increased contribution of social economic development |
10 | S. G. Phytopharma Pvt. Ltd. Kolhapur | 25/4/2023 | SCOP and Phytopharma, propose to collaborate through a) Phytopharma, would accommodate all Pharmacy students of SCOP in such a number that Phytopharma, deems convenient to it for the purpose of imparting industrial training as well as visit. b) Organization of joint conferences and Seminars. c) Practical training of SCOP students at Phytopharma. d) Sponsoring R & D projects, which may be carried out wholly at SCOP or at premises of Phytopharma, or partly at SCOP and partly at Phytopharma. e) Training of Phytopharma, personnel through Continuing Education Programmes conducted by SCOP in areas of interest to Phytopharma. f) Any other appropriate mode of interaction agreed upon between SCOP and Phytopharma. |
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